Sunday, September 29, 2024

Why value nature?

The argument goes …

Our economy is built on persistent growth. We continue to measure the health of our society by whether our GDP is growing. (GDP stands for gross domestic product. It is the monetary value of the final goods and services — that is, those that are bought by the final user — produced in a country in a given period of time - say a quarter or a year). Economists and most politicians measure the wellbeing of our society by tracking the growth of our GDP.

Some are now suggesting that measuring the health of our economy by focussing on GDP is leading to an environmental and human disaster. In fact, this is bleeding obvious.

An ever-growing economy requires an ever-growing supply of raw materials – natural resources. Dear old Earth however, only has a finite amount of these. Mother Nature is being abused and is struggling. In the constant pursuit of increasing profits and economic growth, corporations, developers and governments are exploiting our natural resources at the expense of biodiversity.

"Victorians could see an increased risk of fire this spring" - AFAC 

The result of this is we now have elevated global temperatures, monster storms and floods, out of control bushfires and an avalanche of species on the brink of extinction.

Once the habitat of the Australian Pipit and the Trim Sun-orchid

We need our leaders to stand up for the environment NOW. Nature, humanity, the planet  depends on it!

… just saying.

Further reading:

MSN News - We’re in debt to the Earth. How can we repay it?

Global Footprint Network.

UN - World Population Prospects 2024.

Trust for Nature - When we harm biodiversity, we’re harming ourselves. 



1 comment:

  1. …and why isn’t this just common sense? Mary
