Monday, August 10, 2020

“What good is the warmth of summer …

 ….  without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
- John Steinbeck

Winter in Drouin - grey skies, leafless Platanus trees and currawongs

“Because the birdsong might be pretty,
But it's not for you they sing,
And if you think my winter is too cold,
You don't deserve my spring.”
- Erin Hanson

Early morning dew on a spider's web - Bellbird Park wetland

“Finally, it was cold enough to wear long coats and tights. It was cold enough for scarves and shirts worn in layers, like camouflage. It was cold enough for her lucky red cardigan. The cold was such a relief.”
- Sarah Addison Allen

A winter's walk on a Westernport beach

“One can follow the sun, of course, but I have always thought that it is best to know some winter, too, so that the summer, when it arrives, is the more gratefully received.”
- Beatriz Williams


2 degrees at Alex Goudie

“It seems like everything sleeps in winter, but it's really a time of renewal and reflection.”
- Elizabeth Camden


Silver Wattle at Labertouche Ck Bushland Reserve

Noses are red

Fingers are blue

I’m tired of winter

How about you?


Won't be long -Galahs, King Parrots and Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are using hollows at Picnic Point

Also on a brighter note, there hasn’t been any flies or mozzies for weeks!




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